I got email today asking me how to get the device ID from a pocket pc with vb
Imports System.Text Public Class Form1 <System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport( "coredll.dll" )> _ Private Shared Function GetDeviceUniqueID( ByVal appdata As Byte (), ByVal cbApplictionData As Integer , ByVal dwDeviceIDVersion As Integer , ByVal deviceIDOuput As Byte (), ByRef pcbDeviceIDOutput As Integer ) As Integer End Function Private Function GetDeviceId( ByVal appData As String ) As Byte () Dim appDataBytes As Byte () = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(appData) Dim outputSize As Integer = 20 Dim output(19) As Byte Dim result As Integer = GetDeviceUniqueID(appDataBytes, appDataBytes.Length, 1, output, outputSize) Return output End Function Private Sub Form1_Load( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase .Load Dim sbId As New StringBuilder Dim bID() As Byte = GetDeviceId( "MyAppName" ) For Each b In bID sbId.Append( String .Format( "{0:x2}" , b)) Next Debug.WriteLine(sbId.ToString) End Sub End Class |